Grupo de Aféresis Terapéutica - Biblografía

2017 - Análisis de la eficacia, seguridad y eficiencia de la Plasmaféresis en el tratamiento de la enfermedad de Alzheimer. Revisión sistemática
2017 - Therapeutic Apheresis in Immunologic Renal and Neurological Diseases

2017 - The Effects of Plasma Exchange on Severe Vasculitis with Diffuse Alveolar Hemorrhage
2016 - Lipoprotein Apheresis
2016 - Plasmapheresis Is Associated With Better Renal Outcomes in Lupus Nephritis Patients With Thrombotic Microangiopathy
2016 - Plasmapheresis for the treatment of kidney diseases
2016 - Change in Therapeutic Apheresis Practices: Role of Continuing Medical Education (CME)
2016 - Tratamiento de la enfermedad de Alzheimer mediante terapia combinada de aféresis terapéutica y hemoféresis con albúmina e inmunoglobulina intravenosa: fundamentos y aproximación terapéutica al estudio AMBAR (Alzheimer Management By Albumin Replacement)
2016 - Guidelines on the Use of Therapeutic Apheresis in Clinical Practice—Evidence-Based Approach from the Writing Committee of the American Society for Apheresis: The Seventh Special Issue
2015 - Calculations in Apheresis
2015 - Lipoprotein-apheresis: Austrian consensus on indication and performance of treatment
2014 - Plasma exchange induces vitamin D deficiency
2013 - The Selective Therapeutic Apheresis Procedures
2013 - Recambio plasmático en las enfermedades autoinmunes sistémicas
2013 - Vascular Access in Therapeutic Apheresis: Update 2013
2013 - Lipoprotein apheresis: an update
2012 - Low-Density Lipoprotein Apheresis: Principles and Indications
2012 - Evidence-Based Review of Therapeutic Plasma Exchange in Neurological Disorders
2012 - Therapeutic Plasma Exchange in Neurology: 2012

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